Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Is PRP a Solution to Avoid Baldness in Future?

When people face major hair issues they keep on avoiding it with a fear of getting a long and complex surgery which according to them is painful and difficult. Not in all cases hair issues major surgeries are the only solutions. One may try curing their hair issues with some of the excellent home remedies but this is only possible in cases when it is at quite an early age. In case it has reached further you may consult an expert who can suggest other medicated solution. In cases a patient is suffering from severe hair loss issues and is looking for better alternative that can guarantee sure shot results they may try PRP and for better results from PRP they must go for PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik which is an advance hair clinic with best PRP result records. 

PRP is a perfect alternative for any surgical hair solutions methods because it negates the need of any sort of cut. Unlike other hair procedure, PRP do not need any sort of extraction or implantation of hair follicles it just need a drop of blood to be extracted using a thin needle from patient’s body from which necessary PRP can be extracted. As we know that platelet rich plasma is a building block of blood which is responsible for growth factor and to boost up the growth in hairs PRP is used with necessary vitamin and nutrients boosters in PRP hair treatments. Those extracted PRP and nutrients are injected to bald areas of patients head scalp which does their work and thus enabling hair growth in individual. Anyhow PRP can never reverse the hair loss but it can just boost up new hair growth in patients.

Advantages of PRP

  1. PRP is a non surgical hair procedure.
  2. PRP does not need any sorts of cuts or incisions.
  3. PRP does not either need any sort of closure and thus enable easy recovery.
  4. Patient is itself the donor in PRP.

Is RPP a permanent solution for avoiding baldness?

Even though PRP can correct hair loss issues and can also easily ensure better hair results in individual in few months but it never ensures that baldness symptoms will never return back. It is the care received by the patient which will decide the further conditions of hair loss. Nothing can be permanent if proper care is not taken. It is quite essential to take care of your transplanted hair just the similar way your normal hair needs the care then only better results can be ensured with PRP.

Even though not all hair surgeons suggest PRP to be a permanent hair solution but with an expert hair surgeon and advance hair clinic the results can be guarantees to lasts for years and years to come. If you are looking for better results from PRP hair treatments you must only trust PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik which is better and enhanced.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Grow Your Hair Faster With PRP Hair Loss Treatment 

Not every hair issues require complicated surgical hair solutions; there are better and invasive alternatives as well which are capable enough to fight all sorts of hair issues. When people face hair issues they face issues like receding hairline, excessive hair loss and even sometime bald patches over the head scalp in all such cases they look for alternatives which could help them reverse their hair growth in a better way. Even though advance surgical procedures like hair transplantation are commonly suggested by hair doctors in such cases but when a patient desires to get better hair results without any surgical procedure they may opt for treatments like PRP. PRP is non invasive, non surgical method for hair growth and when PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik is chosen it can acquire better results because it is advance clinic with successful past PRP hair results.

There are several reasons why PRP hair treatment is chosen but the very known is reason is that it is non surgical. In PRP blood is enough for gaining right growth at the bald areas because it has platelet rich plasma which when implanted back with essential nutrition can lead to grow hair right from root level. As only a few drops of blood is extracted from patients body it negated the need of any sort of cuts or incisions and thus neither there is a need of sutures or closure. This makes it advance because healing is not at all required thus PRP hair loss treatment can be better alternative for growing hair faster.

There are several other reasons why PRP is chosen over other available hair treatments and procedure and these are:
  1. PRP works with one’s own blood and thus it can stimulates Follicular Hair cells to grow naturally thus better hair results can be achieved.
  2. It can help promotes active hair growth cycle which increases the rate of hair growth in an individual.
  3. Blood is also an essential constituent for right hair growth and PRP treatment can improves blood supply and circulation to scalp thus eliminating all sorts of hair issues.
  4. When procedures such as hair transplantation are used there can be issues such as inflammation in the scalp, excessive bleeding, itching etc if it is not rightly performed but there is nothing like this associated with PRP as it is non invasive.
  5. With PRP essential booster of vitamins and nutrition are also injected in the affected areas which act as a supplement for enhancement of growth factors to hair.

Surely PRP is an advance hair treatment solution that is better than other hair growth treatment that has better hair results. It is advisable that when you are looking for faster hair growth with non surgical methods you must only chose PRP hair treatment. For better and permanent results a patient may choose PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik which is advance hair clinic for hair treatment solutions.

Friday, 16 February 2018

What are the Causes of Hair loss in Women?

Both men and women might face hair loss but for women, this problem is more troublesome because of a social belief that women with long and healthy hair are beautiful. Because of this thinking, hair loss is just a nightmare for the victims of the hair loss. Hair loss starts with mild hair fall but later it takes a severe form to make the scalp totally bald. This situation is unbearable for the women patients and they try to avoid this situation by applying a lot of treatments such as PRP hair loss treatment etc. Such treatment may work or not according to the condition of the scalp and the treatment is full of problems if the female patient is facing genetic or pattern hair loss. 

What is pattern hair loss in women?

Pattern hair loss is a permanent type of hair loss that may occur in both men and women due to genetic and hormonal reasons. Commonly this disease is called androgenic alopecia and according to the gender, it is called male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss. However, the pattern of male pattern hair loss is quite different from female pattern hair loss.

Symptoms of female pattern hair loss

males, the baldness follows a specific pattern and ends with leaving a sparse layer of hair but in women hairs are gone from entire scalp and there is not any donor area on the scalp. female pattern hair loss makes the process of hair growth slow and hair follicles shrink to be thinner. The health of hair seems poor and the patient observes severe hair fall. Thinning of hair is the main sign of female hair loss and in most of the cases, females do not go completely bald.

Genetics and female pattern hair loss

Like male pattern baldness, different genes are involved in causing hair loss in different generations. It means you have a greater chance of being bald if your mother or father is bald.

Other reasons that may trigger hair loss

In many situations, women may face extreme mental or physical stress that may work as a trigger for hair loss. Some of the women are anemic that show lack of iron and results in severe hair loss. the irregular menstrual cycle may also be a reason for female hair loss. Women may lose a lot of hair just after the delivery of a child but this condition is generally temporary. Chronic illness or medications for some diseases may cause hair loss as well.

Female hair loss is a serious disease that is totally a disaster for females. Nowadays, the treatments like PRP hair loss treatments are believed to be ideal treatments for hair loss but in the case of permanent hair loss, the doctors have to think about more accurate solutions. Thus, the doctors are using hair transplant surgery for preventing the female pattern hair loss. However, females are not natural candidates for hair transplant but surgeons are trying to treat females with the help of advanced treatments.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

What is a Procedure of PRP Hair loss Treatment and its Cost?

Hair loss experts believe that hair loss can be treated with the non-surgical approach if the treatment can improve the hair growth cycle and rejuvenate the hair roots. In the case of permanent hair loss, it, however, does not seem possible but the experts say that at least they can try to prevent or reduce the speed of the progression of permanent hair loss. Thus, the Marmm Klinik provides trusted PRP Hair loss Treatment for Hair loss. This therapy is one of the most advanced non-surgical treatments and it is used by a wide range of patients and hair loss experts. 

The procedure of PRP hair treatment

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a unique hair loss treatment that actually required your own blood.Our blood is a mixture of two main parts, red blood cells, and Plasma. Further Plasma contains white blood cells and platelets.  Platelets are believed to be rich in certain growth factors. PRP experts believe that such growth factors may stimulate the re-growth of hair follicles and also promote the growth of new hair.

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is extracted from the blood sample that is drawn by the body of the patient. This tube of blood is put into a device called a centrifuge to spin the blood tube and this process separates the red blood cells from the plasma. This PRP is used to make specialized injections and these injections are injected directly into the scalp. This procedure hardly takes one hour and the patients leave the clinic on the same day.

The cost of the treatment

The cost of the PRP hair treatment is not the same everywhere and different factors may decide the total cost of the treatment. first of all, the condition of your scalp and hair is important to consider before the surgeon may tell you about the cost. the condition of the scalp also decides the number of needed sessions that also affect the cost. Experience of the PRP expert also plays a vital role in deciding the cost since if the expert is experienced, he is likely to charge more.
Thus, if you are seeking for a cheap treatment, you must respond early but never look for a cheap clinic with bad quality. Many of the clinics are providing cost-effective PRP treatment and the patients may visit such clinics. PRP hair loss treatment is a risk-free treatment and generally, side effects of the treatment are not observed by the experts and patients. Thus, this procedure is safe for the patients and you can decide it today to have it or not.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

What is the Benefit of PRP Hair loss Treatment for Hair Loss?

Hair loss at an early age can make you look aged at an early age. It can affect both male and female equally. In women it affects her beauty and in men it may affect his personality. When better hair results are required you may trust PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik which is non invasive and non surgical hair procedure for better hair results. 

In human’s platelet rich plasma is an actual factor responsible for hair growth. This is important constituents in blood. In normal routine hair shred and the new hair growth replaces this hairs shred. This is a normal process which helps in hair growth. In every individual hair shred and new hair grow but when new hair does not grow any more hair loss can occur. Platelet rich plasma is healing constituents. With PRP new hair growth is effected thus with new PRP hair treatment it is possible to reverse the effect of hair growth.

What is PRP hair treatment?

PRP works on the cell level of hair growth. Platelet rich plasma which is main constituents of hair growth is also a main component of PRP hair treatment. In PRP hair treatment blood is extracted using a needle from patient’s body which is then treated in a centrifuge to separate solid components of the blood from rest of the blood which is PRP. This prepared PRP is then injected back to the bald areas with necessary vitamin boosters to fasten the natural hair growth process in an individual. When PRP is injected it boosts up the natural hair growth process enabling efficient hair growth and better hair coverage.

Advantages of PRP hair treatment

PRP is chosen alternative for surgical hair solution because it is advance and enhanced procedure. Following are the benefits of PRP hair treatment.

  1. It is non surgical – PRP is advance hair treatment option that is non surgical and non invasive.
  2. It ensures high success rates – PRP is advance technique which can ensure better success rate.
  3. It negates need of donor area – As blood is extracted from patients own body it negates need of any hair bearing donor area.
  4. Safety is major concern – Safety is major concern of PRP hair treatment.
  5. Minimal discomfort – Being procedure performed merely with needles its ensured minimal discomfort.
  6. Painless – It does not include any cuts or incisions and thus it is painless.
  7. Better recovery with no healing – No sutures or closure thus no need of healing or recovery.
  8. Effective option – It is effective option and achieve better results in less time.
  9. Better hair coverage – PRP can enable better hair coverage results.
  10. Natural and permanent hair growth – PRP can help obtained natural hair results because it works on cell level hair growth.

These are some of the reasons why PRP is chosen so widely. When you need better results with PRP chose PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik.

Monday, 5 February 2018

4 Shocking Causes of Hair Loss You Might Not Have Heard Before

This seems very strange that a person is having healthy hair and all of a sudden, the hair starts to fall excessively. The experts have an appropriate answer to describe the reason. Actually, hair fall is the result of a disturbed hair growth cycle. Most of the expert say that PRP hair loss treatment is the most preferred treatment for hair loss. However, before we think about the root cause and appropriate treatment, we have to go deeper to understand the reasons that are responsible for disturbing hair growth cycle.

The surgeons tell about a number of causes that may damage your hair follicles but here we are going to tell your about four shocking reasons that may temporary or permanent hair loss and generally, people are not aware that such reasons may cause hair loss.

Following are the shocking reasons:


You may like wearing different hairstyles and you hardly think that a hairstyle can damage the hair follicles and cause hair loss. Actually, it is a true fact and the resulted condition is called traction alopecia. If you wear extremely tight hairstyles, your hair is under constant pressure for a long time, this pressure cause weak or damaged hair follicles. So, think for a while when you wear any hairstyle next time.


Dieting is a very common tern and this reason may make you surprised. Dieting is helpful if it is done under the supervision of a trained expert. However, the excess of dieting without any help may cause severe hair loss since you have missed having some nutrients essential for your hair.


Anemia shows iron deficiency that can be the main reason for hair loss. So, if you are facing serious hair loss, blood checkup can be a vitally necessary step for you.

Autoimmune disease:

Autoimmune disease is a health issue when your immune system starts to kill the cells and tissues of your own body. In the case of hair loss, the immune system of the body kills the hair follicles and cause bald spots of random sizes. This health issue is called alopecia areata.

As you see, there are several reasons that may cause and thus, for dealing with the problem, you always need a certified professional who can cure without any problem. However, PRP hair loss treatment is a commonly used treatment, but the final decision about the treatment is always made by the hair loss expert.

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