Friday 16 February 2018

What are the Causes of Hair loss in Women?

Both men and women might face hair loss but for women, this problem is more troublesome because of a social belief that women with long and healthy hair are beautiful. Because of this thinking, hair loss is just a nightmare for the victims of the hair loss. Hair loss starts with mild hair fall but later it takes a severe form to make the scalp totally bald. This situation is unbearable for the women patients and they try to avoid this situation by applying a lot of treatments such as PRP hair loss treatment etc. Such treatment may work or not according to the condition of the scalp and the treatment is full of problems if the female patient is facing genetic or pattern hair loss. 

What is pattern hair loss in women?

Pattern hair loss is a permanent type of hair loss that may occur in both men and women due to genetic and hormonal reasons. Commonly this disease is called androgenic alopecia and according to the gender, it is called male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss. However, the pattern of male pattern hair loss is quite different from female pattern hair loss.

Symptoms of female pattern hair loss

males, the baldness follows a specific pattern and ends with leaving a sparse layer of hair but in women hairs are gone from entire scalp and there is not any donor area on the scalp. female pattern hair loss makes the process of hair growth slow and hair follicles shrink to be thinner. The health of hair seems poor and the patient observes severe hair fall. Thinning of hair is the main sign of female hair loss and in most of the cases, females do not go completely bald.

Genetics and female pattern hair loss

Like male pattern baldness, different genes are involved in causing hair loss in different generations. It means you have a greater chance of being bald if your mother or father is bald.

Other reasons that may trigger hair loss

In many situations, women may face extreme mental or physical stress that may work as a trigger for hair loss. Some of the women are anemic that show lack of iron and results in severe hair loss. the irregular menstrual cycle may also be a reason for female hair loss. Women may lose a lot of hair just after the delivery of a child but this condition is generally temporary. Chronic illness or medications for some diseases may cause hair loss as well.

Female hair loss is a serious disease that is totally a disaster for females. Nowadays, the treatments like PRP hair loss treatments are believed to be ideal treatments for hair loss but in the case of permanent hair loss, the doctors have to think about more accurate solutions. Thus, the doctors are using hair transplant surgery for preventing the female pattern hair loss. However, females are not natural candidates for hair transplant but surgeons are trying to treat females with the help of advanced treatments.

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